About Us

Caryn Lipson has spent over 15 years educating herself about food, food politics, overhauling her kitchen and learning how to feed her family more naturally and healthfully.  Although eclectic, she bases much of her philosophy on the principles taught by Weston A. Price.

Having made aliyah in September 2010, she has been busy acclimating to a new way of life and trying to find sources for healthy foods here in Israel. Anxious to share what she has learned about food, nutrition, and health over the years and as it relates to life in her new home, Caryn is writing all about it here at Nourishing Israel.

To your health!


26 Comments on “About Us

  1. Hi Caryn, Belated welcome to Israel … 🙂 !
    Kudos on your great blog, …mosey on over to mine- I’m not as active as you but I do what I can.
    BTW, When I’m not building my business I’m a dental assistant and Weston Price should have been born now- and not so long ago!
    Feel free to contact me…I’ve been here for over 40 years from the USA and have helped many a newcomer, 😉
    robin@discoverwellness.biz or livingfreeofstress@gmail.com
    Have a great day and a Chanukah Sameach!
    Robin Rotfleisch

  2. Hi Caryn, I am SO very glad I found your blog. I moved to Jerusalem last month and have been on the same search for raw milk, organic grass fed butter & (pasture fed) meat, chicken and organic produce. I am trying to join your Nourishing Israel Yahoo Group but it is not allowing me even though I created an account. I am wondering if you can send me the document you have compiled of sources, stores and brands available in Jerusalem. I have found an organic CSA for fruits and veggies (Chubeza), however I still need to find raw milk, butter and meat.
    Todah rabah!

  3. Hello Caryn,
    I’m a wholistic nutritional therapist who advocates a weston price style diet. I also made aliyah 3 years ago and i am living in Jerusalem. I came across your blog after searching for weston price israel. I have recently meet some other people who are also into the weston price diet and i’m trying to put together a group or chapter of like-minded people to share the info we all have as i think this is very valuable information that should be out there for people who are interested. You have done a very good job on your blog and it’s really good to see this info out there. My website is htp://www.bodyelectronics.co.il Looking forward to hearing from you!

  4. Hi Caryn,
    I just moved to Jerusalem and i having been following “Nourishing Traditions” for about 8 years now, the last two years i have spent in Israel, But it has been very hard to find some things, (raw milk/cheese, grass fed meat etc..) and i kind of gave up for a while, Especially since we lived in a tiny town in the south until now. But now I am on the search again, i am wondering if you have a resource list for Israel? specifically Jerusalem area.
    thanks and so happy to find your blog!

    • Hi Steven,

      For grass fed meat and poultry (from the Organic and Natural in Israel list:
      ♦ Artzenu – Natural Fresh Meat Yehoshua and Chana Tibor: 050-634-1808 / 050-634-1881
      Certified Organic, free-range Chickens and Turkey. Humanely raised Duck. Pasture-raised Beef, Lamb, Goat- and all organ meats and bones. Special products as well. All animals born and raised in Israel and delivered fresh to your door. Mehadrin Hechsher.

      I can’t help you with low carb bread, but according to a research study on PubMed that I read recently, sprouted grain breads have the lowest insulin spike after eating. You can find sprouted breads in the list under the following heading: ORGANIC &/OR SPROUTED FLOUR & BREADS.

      You can also join the Nourishing Israel yahoo group to ask about dairy, etc.: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/NourishingIsrael
      And message me on Nourishing Israel’s Facebook page for some more information.

    • you can buy raw organic milk from this farmer from the shomron area , his telephone is : 0526522169 . he dose delivering to people all over the country every week , he also sells much more than raw milk – organic fruits and vegtables kefir yogurt and more….

  5. Hi Caryn,

    This has been a very helpful site since I made aliyah a year ago.

    My question is that I have been looking for a margarine substitute like Earth Balance which I used in the States, but have yet to find something similar and have been using margarine for my parve desserts. Is there something similar in Israel which is more natural and doesn’t have harmful chemicals?

    Thanks so much and looking forward to hearing of any recommendations.

    • Hi Lauren,

      I don’t use margarine substitutes myself. I use coconut oil for my baking instead. Sometimes my daughter uses part coconut and part olive oil.

      You might ask on the Nourishing Israel Yahoo group. Perhaps someone there knows of something else that would be acceptable.

  6. May I please ask where I can get grass fed organic yellow butter ,In Tsfat,Jerusalem ,Tel Aviv I cannot find it .My apologies ,I am looking and looking for it,if you might know of a source you use or other people use I would be deeply grateful.Thanks so much .Sincerely,Simcha

    • Jo (whose comment is right before yours) mentions a farmer in the Shomron who delivers raw organic milk. You might try him.
      Artzenu meat, Yehoshua and Chana Tibor: 050-634-1808 / 050-634-1881 – call them to make sure their animals are not vaccinated.

      • I am so glad to have found this website despite my living in the US.
        Many clients of mine currently live in Israel and always ask for information. This site is an excellent resource- Thank you.

        Incidentally, as I was scrolling thru the site and saw your question, I thought to bring to your attention that I have developed the Vassaburg Kosher Cod Liver Oil- a pure, premium and kosher cod liver oil. If you’d like more information, please feel free to contact me or you can visit vassaburg online.

  7. What happenned to this website ? I have been searching from good info like this on food since I did ALyah and this is it! Please keep posting and updating us about what we eat and should eat in Israel!

  8. hi caryn
    this list is so incredibly helpful. once of the health chats that im on suggested it as a resource. we are very holistic and are moving to Israel iyh this year and your website has been invaluable.
    do you know where I can buy a gallon of pure Castile soap? I use it for dishes, hand soap and also detergent.
    thanks so much
    Molly reichman

    • Hi Malka,
      I’m so glad you’ve found Nourishing Israel so helpful. That’s what it’s here for.
      Congratulations on your upcoming aliyah.
      I don’t know where you can find a gallon bottle of Castile soap. I’ve seen smaller bottles of Dr. Bronner’s in the health food stores. Perhaps they would be willing to bring in larger bottles if you were to ask.

      All the best

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